GBXemu NEW archive

25.03.2K2Flash Advance 256M Set

Buy Flash Advance Linker for less!

Special offer from on GameBoy Advance products. (Flash Advance Linker, Flash Cards, TV Adapter, Backlight kit...) Get a discount if you are coming from GBXemu! The voucher code is: 101121222 When you are in the shopping cart, at the bottom it will show a section where you can enter the above voucher number and the system will automatically reduce price by $5.00! Also UPS Express shipping in USA is only $5.95. So if you have been saving up for a Flash Advance SET you couldn't afford - now is the time to order it and play all the GBA ROMs on your GameBoy Advance already tomorrow! (All orders submitted prior to 4:00 PM EST will be shipped out that day via UPS morning express.) | voucher code: 101121222


GBA romsMany have waited for it to come and finally we have it! GBA Music Player [292K] At the moment it can't play MP3 files directly - they first have to be saved as raw .pcm files (16 kHz, 8 Bit Signed, Mono) but still its just so cool! To turn your MP3s into PCM download CoolEdit2k [8.2MB]

New version v.3 of the GBA ROM Renamer is out!

Lik-Sang is starting to take orders on GBA Backlight! The "GBA Afterburner kit" is an internal light designed to fit inside an existing GBA system as a modification. No longer will you need to hassle with external lights.

Broken Sword
351 Driven Europe
352 Mary Kate and Ashley Girls Night Out USA
353 Gulroz Chang Poo Japan
354 Donald Duck Advance USA
355 Angelique Japan
356 Power Pro Kun Pocket 4 Japan
357 Baseball Advance
358 Konami Collectors Series Arcade Advance
359 Motocross_Maniacs_Advance_USA

can be found at GBA Roms section!


GBA romsMade GBXemu Network status page for the real hardcore gbxemu fans! Has all our main servers and their status ON or OFF line. Check it out here Server Status


GBA romsYou would like to make your own GBA roms but don't know anything about programming. Well with GBXslide you can make gba.roms with slide shows in about 5 sec! Just resize some images to 240x160 - save as 256 color BMP files and run one of the .bat files. Thats it - you have your own gameboy rom!!! Download now!


GBA romsNew Version of VisualBoyAdvance is out! Download version 0.9
Read about whats new in this version here.
I'm looking for ppl who are running and FTP server or could run one on their PC... mail me if you are interested in hosting gameboy roms

Do you have a Flash Advance Linker?
Take a Survey: Poll at!

With more and more 3D games comming to GBA soon we are gone have like a handheld PSX in our hands - see what RayLight is making!

Download movie 1 2 3 4 WipeOut on GBA?!
You need quicktime to view


GBA romsGameboy Advance roms - now up to 348! Download GBA ROMS Forum is back online, go register NOW! >>>


GBA romsA story from the history of console gaming OR How Nintendo lost the lead in the console market to the Sony Playstation! Nintendo SNES CD-Rom Project that didn't come to life + led us to the domination of PSX!


GBA roms

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